I was 17 when I met Steve. He was 27 and managing my brother’s best friends dive shop. I recall being introduced and him smiling and saying hello. He was so handsome, and English, and grown. I rarely spoke to him. Never in my wildest dreams did I think one day we would be married.
Ten years later, after I had an extremely short marriage and nasty divorce, I moved back to the gulf coast. Steve and I reconnected and three months into dating married.
We had a dream of a marriage, the kind everyone wishes for, the relationship my girlfriends all envied, the best thing ever. We had a well blended family, your mine and ours, with all loved equally. We were destined to be “that old couple”, together forever in love.
But a nasty dragon entered our world in 2011, dragged my beautiful husband to a corner and slowly ate him alive in front of our very eyes.
My Steve lived with stoic dignity with a smile always on his face while as we did our best for five years to beat that dam beast off of him.
He walked through the dragon’s fire and shone as gold, an example to all he touched. His dragon was slain February 7 2016 and Steve went to his heavenly reward. We were married 26 years, not nearly long enough. I will live the rest of my days making him proud of me as I am of him.
Love always wins
Categories: Our stories

1 Comment

Michelle Young · June 4, 2020 at 1:37 pm

Absolutely touching, and some info I didn’t know… love you, S & B

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