My heart was soaring when I met my sweet John, it was as if we were meeting up again, and we rejoiced in our paths crossing and then intertwining our love.... in step with each other, it was so effortless and it was a deep and abiding love, filled with admiration, loyalty, honor, respect and heart-stopping attraction. This amazing man chose me, (still slays me) he took on being a devoted father to my two little boys. Embraced fatherhood, sleeves rolled up, and with gusto, created a home and planned/embraced fun-kid friendly adventures and travel. Rolling on the floor, field, playground etc...... He, with his steadfast kind blue eyes and open heart became a favorite to all of my family, deeply respected by everyone of my friends and yes his as well...... he had the ability to find the laughter and the light and share it..... We were blessed to have a little girl together. We lived and loved and supported each other through the ups and downs of life.... He gave me the gift of believing in my goodness and I always wanted to be better for him....... Always wanted for him to be him because he was stellar......I miss him