January went by quickly
The beginning of January was preoccupied with helping Mary recover from whiplash and a mild head injury suffered from that bad driver. She is still having neck and shoulder pain, so this morning she will be having it x-rayed before going to her appointment at the ALS Clinic in Portland.
On top of that, the agency that has been providing services for the past year has notified us that they will be terminating Mary’s contract. The reason given is that two of the caregivers have back/shoulder injuries. The owners don’t want the “liabiilty” (read worker’s comp) so they would rather bail than work with the issues – both of these caregivers had previous injuries that were exacerbated by working too many hours with Mary prior to us developing some ways to reduce the back strain on those caring for her.
We are actively looking for another agency that can provide services while trying to find ways to convince the current agency to keep Mary’s case, even if it is only for half of the hours.