General Information about ALS/MND

ALS Associaion

Muscular Dystrophy Association


Facebook Groups:

Living with ALS  A closed group for sharing support and love for those who are dealing with ALS in their lives.

ALS We are in it Together  A public group dedicated to providing ALS Awareness and support for members of the ALS community.

ALS Caregivers   A closed group for non-professional caregivers of people living with ALS.

ALS: Caregiving Spouses support group   A closed group for spouses and significant others who are caring for a partner with ALS.

CALS Widows   A closed group for spouses and significant others who have lost their partners to ALS.

CALS Angels – Former ALS Caregivers   A closed group for non-professional caregivers who have lost a loved one to ALS




Additional Resources

ALS  Guardian Angels


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