I fell head over heals in love for Jim just going into my senior year of high school. 
He was 2 years older. It took him 1 1/2 years later before he even told me he loved me. 
Man of honor...would not use those words unless marriage was part of the plan. 
Married 6/24/81. 3 kids later and a career in law enforcement. 
He retired after 30 years of protecting other people. 
Started having swallowing, speech and neck strength issues 1 year later...9 months later Dx 8/16. 
It totally broke my heart to see him decline. He was more worried about me. 
He was always like that...put me and others first. He went home in peace 11/24/19. 
Even though I'm glad he is free of his prison and pain my world is blown apart. 
I never imagined the pain could be so deep, devastating and relentless. 
He was my best friend, my soul mate, my strongest supporter, my partner in crime, 
my lover...My World! He made me a better person...I'm lost...

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