We were able to Skype with all 3 kids and the grandson on Mother’s Day, although Mary slept through most of the weekend. She has been awake late at night and sleeping most of the day. It is partly due to lack of stimulation. I took in a CD player with some of her favorite music and will be contacting the county home-bound library for some books on CD for her.
As of yesterday, there are no potential group homes with beds available. There just are no beds available.
I’m hesitant to post this because I’m afraid of jinxing it, but we did meet with another adult foster care home yesterday morning. This is #3. There are only 9 in Oregon, and at least 2 of them are 2 hours away. This one is not far from my route between work and home. I’m cautiously optimistic; I’m honestly afraid of getting my hopes up again.