This page was born out of our experience of supporting our loved ones through living and dying with ALS/MND. Our goal is that this will be a place of support and healing, of positivity and inspiration for those who walk this journey, with the belief that ALS never wins – Love Always Wins!

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1 Comment

Diane B Muldoon · March 29, 2017 at 7:48 pm

Great idea. It is true…love always wins. I have been grieving my love for so long now. The minute he was diagnosed, the grief started. It is just now, at two years after his death, that I am able to realize that my love for him is what it took to help him die peacefully. I am proud to have been able to advocate for him and be present to ease his transition. It took a lot out of me. Love would not have had it any other way.

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